George Enescu was one of the most prodigiously gifted musicians of the twentieth century,? according to noted biographer Paul Banks. ?A great violinist and composer, a distinguished conductor, an accomplished pianist, able cellist and a ...
Este bizar în purtare... It's bizarre behavior in ... lucru ce-l poate face nesuferit so that it can be unbearable. Johann Wolfgang Goethe, înnobilat 1782 (n. 28 august 1749, Frankfurt am Main - d. 22 martie 1832, Weimar) a fost un mare ...
b.../b to have full relations with jewish state orders embassy staff to leave northwest african state within 48 hours, after freezing ties over gaza offensive. foreign ministry: ambassador returning to israel for bvacation/b" __ bvacation/b pe dracu '! b....../b se mentioneaza ca ?s-a ajuns la situatii paradoxale in care romania nu mai inseamna in presa din afara tara nadiei comaneci, a lui brancusi sau a lui bgeorge enescu/b, nu mai este tara cu traditii si frumuseti tulburatoare, b.../b